Would you like to experience a deep dive on a specific topic? With this event I am pleased to offer you the possibility of an intuitive reading on a very specific topic that moves you! We currently offer readings on the following topics (excerpt): Soul path reading (your calling, your purpose), relationship reading, family reading, children reading, illness/health reading. Of course, we look at you and your environment holistically in a reading, even if the focus is on a specific issue!
At the event you will receive a short description of the procedure and then the reading from participants or graduates of the multi-year training courses.
Bitte beachte, dass die Practitioner zum großen Teil in Ausbildung sind und es sich entsprechend um eine Übungssituation handelt. Darum bekommst du die Gelegenheit zu einem ausführlicheren Themen Reading auch zu einem Beitrag in einer von dir gewählten Höhe.
After your session, in which you will also get a small impression of the intuition work, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about your experience - I am always very happy to receive your feedback on your experience!
Have you acquired a taste for it and would like to get a comprehensive, professional topic reading on a subject of your choice? Write to hello@alexandrasorgenicht.com and you will quickly receive information on practitioners, possible dates and costs.
Dear international folks: welcome!
You are welcome in our weekly open events, as we are pretty bilingual here. Want to join? Have questions? Please send an email to Anna: hello@alexandrasorgenicht.com. She'll get back to you in no time.