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Open day at Lux 305, Cologne

September 21, 2024 @ 11:00 - 14:00

Welcome to the open day in the room for INTUITION AND INTUITIVE LIFE

Do you want to be the change you want to see in the world?
Would you like to actively shape the future as a pioneer, leader, founder, teacher, developer, healer, therapist or similar?


You need security for your path - for pioneers, this cannot be found on the outside
You also need confirmation of the relevance of your vision - for pioneering women, this is extremely rare to find in the outside world
Old patterns and beliefs block you completely or partially - pioneers in particular need a tidy self to be able to live and create freely and fulfillingly!


Your INTUITION is the key, INTUITION is the discipline of the new era.
You are here for a reason and a free and reliable access to your intuition is the guarantee that you will realize this reason!


If all or some of this applies to you, the intuition training that I have developed is probably of interest to you.
I therefore cordially invite you to the info event in presence in the room for INTUITION AND INTUITIVE LIFE in Cologne, Luxemburger Straße 205.
You can expect: a free space, a non-binding event, intuitive sessions, a lively talk and time for discussion and questions.


Where: Luxemburger Straße 305, 50939 Cologne
When: 21.09. | 11:00 - 14:00 
Costs: free of charge 
Registration: hello@alexandrasorgenicht.com



Trust your intuition!
